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Sit Down Restaurants Great Plains


Del Rancho
Shawnee, OK
Photo courtesy Tony Craig

Check out the marquee for the Del Rancho in Shawnee, OK. The sign makes you want to pull off the highway and grab a steak sandwich.


Murray's Restaurant
Minneapolis, MN
Photo courtesy Matthew Hands

If you're in the Minneapolis area, don't forget to check out Murray's, home of the "silver butter knife steak."



Diamond Cafe (Gone)
Sapulpa, OK

Here's the marquee for the famous Route 66 establishment, the Diamond Cafe in Sapulpa, OK. This was the place that Norma made famous as Norma's Diamond Cafe for all those years.


UPDATE 10/10 : Norma's Diamond Cafe is now gone and was replaced in 2004 by a business called Trikntrux. 10-10



Vans Pig Stand
Shawnee, OK
Photo courtesy Tony Craig

Here's the Van's Pig Stand of Shawnee, OK. One of three pig stands in the chain, the Shawnee location opened up in 1930.

(Near right) Check out the neon marquee

(Far right) The pig stand



Vans Pig Stand sign
Shawnee, OK
Photo courtesy Tony Craig

Here's a close-up of the other neon sign at the Shawnee location of Van's.



Thomas Restaurant (Gone)
Pryor, OK
Photo courtesy Greg West

Check out the Thomas Restaurant in Pryor, OK and its eye-catching sign atop the roof. This restaurant was built in 1952 and has been serving hot food to hungry travelers since. 05-06


UPDATE 06/06 : The longtime establishment Thomas Restaurant was destroyed on Thursday May 18, 2006 when a grease fire in the kitchen got out of control. According to KOTV.com, the fire could be seen for miles. KOTV also reports that the well known sign was salvaged. Word on the street is that the owner intends to rebuild. We hope so. Many thanks to Mark Erdwin for alert. 06-06



Jasper's Restaurant
Muskogee, OK
Photo courtesy Greg West

Check out the lettering out front of Jasper's Restaurant, located in Muskogee, OK. The sign lights up in neon. 08-06













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