Dairy Mart
City, OK Photos and info courtesy Chris Small
Check out the Dairy Mart and its signage, located in Union City, OK. Union City is a very small town, basically a stoplight. 10-07
(Far right) Here is the old faded out marquee at the Dairy Mart. Can't quite make out what the letters at the bottom of the rusted out sign say these days.
Shoe Repair
Rapid City, SD Photo courtesy Tony Craig
Here's a fine roadside sign for Bob's Shoe Repair of
Rapid City, SD.
Wichita, KS Photo courtesy Mark Hackett
This Joyland Sign is a rather nicely kept up one. Check out the
large wavy S in the marquee. This one is up there in terms of park signage
to beat.
Jesus Saves
Bristow, OK Photo courtesy Charles Brock
Check out this photo of the Jesus Saves sign in Bristow, OK located at
a point prominent off the roadside.
Don's Sport Shop
Muskogee, OK Photo courtesy Charles Brock
This old worn out sign is for Don's Sport Shop in Muskogee,
OK. The deteriorating look just seems to lend character to this sign.
Oklahoma City, OK Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn
This faucet sign is a real head turner, found in Oklahoma City, OK. 02-08
H.L. Moss
Tulsa, OK Photo courtesy Greg West
Check out this coffee percolator sign at the H.L. Moss Appliance Repair in Tulsa, OK. Not sure how many percolators get fixed these days, though it's good to see an old time appliance repair shop still standing in a city. 10-05