Old Gas Station
Ray, MI Photo and info courtesy Richard Weiss
Here's an old gas station found in the Michigan town of Ray. From its appearance, it looks like the place has not served gas in many, many years. The town of Ray appears to be a small town as this gas station is on the main street which turns into a dirt road. 09-10
(Far left) One of the two rusted out pumps no longer serving gas
(Near left) The old gas station as it looks off the main road through town
Sunoco Gas
IN Photo and info courtesy Richard Weiss
Here's an old 1950's era and almost unchanged Sunoco station that is now being used as an auto repair place. 10-10
Old Style Inn
IN Photo and info courtesy Richard Weiss
Not far from the White House No. 1, someone restored this little standard station. No note on who or why it was done. It stood on a corner by itself, probably as it has for almost a century. 10-10
Lebanon, OH Photo courtesy Richard Weiss
There are two restored gas stations in Lebanon, Ohio. The Texaco station is most likely from the early 1950s. I have not seen a 50s era station restored before or perhaps it was never altered? Many thanks to Richard Weiss for photos and info. 09-13
Lebanon, OH Photo courtesy Richard Weiss
The Shell station in Lebanon, OH was near the city park about a block away from the Texaco station above. 09-13