Plaza Bowl (Removed)
Marion, IN Photo and info courtesy Alan Culley
Here's a night shot of the Plaza Bowl as it used to look when it illuminated the night sky in Marion, IN. 06-07
Key Lanes
Fort Wayne, IN Photo courtesy Alan Culley
Also located in Fort Wayne, IN is the Key Lanes bowling alley. Key Lanes features neon lettering outside of the building. 07-07
Bel-Air Bowl (Formerly Panorama Lanes)
Belleville, IL Photo and info courtesy Dennis Dixson
The Panorama Lanes bowling alley in Belleville, IL is now Bel-Air Bowl. There was another Bel-Air Bowling Lanes on the other side of town which closed and moved in place of the Panorama Bowl. They remodeled the neon sign which brought it back to life but in my opinion it is not quite as nice. More info can be found at 10-07
Starlite Lanes
Lebanon, MO Photo courtesy Alan Culley
The neon glows nicely at the Starlite Lanes in Lebanon, MO. The Starlite is located just about across the street from the Munger Moss Motel. 01-08
Crestwood Motel
St Louis, MO Photo courtesy Alan Culley
The Crestwood Bowl is quite a sight to see as it stands in St Louis, MO off the Mother Road. 01-08
King Pin Lanes
Springfield, MO Photo courtesy Alan Culley
Here's a great shot of the King Pin Lanes marquee in Springfield, MO. Check out the way the neon bowling pin and crown integrate in this shot of the sign. 01-08
Cressmoor Lanes
Hobart, IN Photo courtesy Kevin Heggi
Cressmoor Lanes in Hobart, IN features a gem of a marquee as it invites those looking to bowl a game or two. Check out this sign as it lights up the sky at dusk. 10-08
Lucky Strike Bowl (Gone)
Hazelwood, MO Photo and info courtesy Ed Mueller / 1999
Hazelwood, MO was once home to this bowling alley sign near 270 and 67 called Lucky Strike Bowl. It was built in 1958, then remodeled to mixed use commercial in 2003.
The bowling alley is no longer there. The building has been subdivided and is still there minus the great sign. It was owned in part by one of the owners of Tropicana Lanes in Clayton, MO. The sign was huge at 24'X16', and was visible from the highway in both directions. 11-09