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neon motels rocky mountains


Chief Motel
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com

This animated "chief" lights up the roadside in Colorado Springs, CO at the Chief Motel.



Rainbow Motel
Photo courtesy Don Gardner

Here's is the Rainbow Motel with its marquee shaped and colored like a rainbow. Wonder what's at the end of the rainbow...



Silver Saddle Motel
Manitou Springs, CO
Photo courtesy Mike & Terie Lepker

The Silver Saddle Lodge in Manitou Springs is quite a visual sight at night, luring in tired travelers. Check out the neon atop the roof as well as the marquee. At least it was back in 1980.




Parry Lodge
Kanab, UT
Photo courtesy Paul Bauke

The Parry Lodge features neon lettering on multiple sides of this eye-catching marquee.


UPDATE 06/09 : Here's a recent photo of the Parry Lodge neon marquee. It looks like the "motel" part on top of the sign has been redone. Many thanks to Alan Culley for photo update. 06-09

Parry Lodge
Photo courtesy Paul Bauke



Top Star Motel
Denver, CO
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com

The Top Star Motel sits atop the roadside front in Denver and lights the way in.



El Palomino Motel
Grand Junction, CO
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com

Here's some neon signage for the El Palomino Motel, a place that advertises its clean rooms and free coffee. The neon sign proudly displays the image of the palomino on the marquee.












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