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Drive-in Theatres Southeast


Gaston Drive-in Theatre (Closed)
Roanoke Rapids, NC
Photos and info courtesy Tait Hilliard

Here is the Gaston Drive-In Theatre in Roanoke Rapids, NC. This drive-in was in service at least until the mid 80’s. Check out what's remaining of the marquee and the screen in this overgrown lot. 08-08

(Near right) The screen tower

(Far right) The blank marquee at the Gaston Drive-in Theatre in Roanoke Rapids



Keysville Drive-in Theatre
Keysville, VA (Closed)
Photos and info courtesy Tait Hilliard

This appears to be the remains of the Keysville Drive-in Theatre in Keysville, VA. 08-08

(Near left) The old sign

(Far left) The broken up screen


UPDATE 11/10 : The Keysville Drive-In has re-opened again since the above photos were taken. The drive-In opened up back in the Spring of 2009. Many thanks to David Hughes for update. 11-10

UPDATE 12/15 : The drive-in closed down again in 2014. Looks like it tried to make a go of it, but couldn't sustain itself. 12-15






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