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Tri-City Drive-in Theatre
Spindale, NC
Southeast Drive-ins | Tri-City Drive-in | Southeast Main

Welcome to the Tri-City Drive-In between Forest City and Spindale, NC. The third city is probably nearby Rutherfordton.  Obviously, this has not shown a film to the ozoner public in quite a few years. I have seen many drive-ins tumble to the wrecking ball only to be replaced by mundane development so it was quite a treat to come across one that, while closed, was still largely intact.


Tri-City Drive-in Theatre
Spindale, NC
Photo courtesy Richard Weiss


Tri-City Drive-in Screen Tower
Spindale, NC
Photo courtesy Richard Weiss


The photos show the overgrown road at the entrance and ticket booth and a few of the screen. The trees give the impression this drive in had been closed for at least 25 years, maybe more.


To the left is a view that appears as though it was taken in the woods. It is in fact a view looking parallel to the screen where rows of cars once parked.

Tri-City Drive-in Theatre trees
Spindale, NC
Photo courtesy Richard Weiss


Go-kart Sign
Spindale, NC
Photo courtesy Richard Weiss


Here are a few pictures of the concession stand, not much in here and the insulation and ceiling panels have fallen down making for a dingy scene. Tri-City also had a go-kart track that too has not been used in a very long time.

Tri-City concession stand
Spindale, NC
Photo courtesy Richard Weiss


Who knows, nostalgia being what it is maybe one day the Tri-City will live again....


Below are more photos of the Tri-City Drive-in Theatre. Many thanks to Richard Weiss for update.


Tri-City Drive-in Theatre marquee
Photo courtesy Richard Weiss

Tri-City Drive-in Theatre
Photo courtesy Richard Weiss

Tri-City Drive-in Theatre
Photo courtesy Richard Weiss

Many thanks to Richard Weiss for photos and info on this page.



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