Here is the former Lucky Strike plant in Durham, NC. This historic complex has been completely rebuilt and used for offices and shops. Everything that is except for the powerhouse. This place must have been amazing in it's hey day when it was teeming with people. The complex was massive.
Lucky Strike Plant Smokestack
Durham, NC Photo courtesy Richard Weiss
Lucky Strike
Durham, NC Photo courtesy Richard Weiss
There was an elevated railroad running through the center. Part of it was still there with an old heavy weight observation car under one of the freight sheds.
Lucky Strike Plant
Durham, NC Photo courtesy Richard Weiss
Tobacco warehouses were all over the downtown area, some of them quite large. Here is a photo of the cornerstone from one of them. Several have been converted to condos and some for shops and restaurants.
Lucky Strike Cornerstone
Durham, NC Photo courtesy Richard Weiss
Below are more photos of the Lucky Strike Plant. Many thanks to Richard Weiss for update.