Shangri-La Lodge
Rosemead, CA Photo courtesy Sal Garcia
Here's the marquee for the Shangri-la Lodge. Check out the font on this sign and the bulbs atop. Not sure if the bulbs still light up these days.
Seal Beach, CA Photo by
Here's the front facade
of Sam's Seafood in Seal Beach. A good place to sit in conch
and drink out of bamboo.
Kona Gardens Apartments
Garden Grove, CA Photos courtesy Rene Carrasco
Here's a tiki apartment near the Korea Town area of Garden Grove. The Kona Garden Apartments features a marquee with the tiki lettering and the photo shows an A-frame in the background. 11-10
(Far left) Check out one of the tables at the Kona Gardens Apartments
(Near left) The Kona Gardens marquee in front and one of the A-frame buildings in the back