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Car Washes Southern California


Sofspra Car Wash
Encinitas, CA
Photo courtesy M.C. Morrissey

Check out some of the car washes from San Diego at Roadside Peek's Car Washes San Diego.



Vic's Car Wash (Demolished)
Pico Rivera, CA
Photo courtesy Sal Garcia

Here's an old postcard shot of Vic's Car Wash. Located in Pico Rivera off Rosemead and Slauson, Vic's sported the familiar parallel fins on its front facade.




Car Wash.
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com

Many of the great neighborhood car washes sport distinct and sometimes unique facades. Here's an interesting looking car wash with odds and ends topping its posts.






Manchester Car Wash
Inglewood, CA
Photo courtesy Georg Balandran

The Manchester Car Wash is still featuring its great saturated and eye-catching colors.


Manchester Car Wash
Inglewood, CA
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com

Here's another shot of the Manchester Car Wash as seen from the opposite angle. 04-06




Compton Car Wash (Removed)
Compton, CA
Photo courtesy Sal Garcia

Visiting the local Car Wash is like taking a step back in time to the postwar years of the 50's and 60's. With their huge butterfly or aero fin motifs, these car washes bring back memories of the days when structures were built with monstrous appendages and gigantic marquees. One such example is the Compton Car Wash. So stop, visit, and sneak a peek at the remaining stalwarts of a fast disappearing era.

A closer up look at the googie butterfly boomerang top adorning the car wash
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com


UPDATE 07/07 : The big boomerang above the Compton Car Wash is no longer there. Many thanks to Sal Garcia for update. 07-07


A shot from across the street
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com



Valley Car Wash
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com

The Valley Car Wash sports the traditional pylons on its roof.












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