Sunshine Cleaners
Dallas, TX Photo courtesy Chris Richey
Here is a shot of the marquee for Sunshine Laundry of Dallas,
Texas. Like many old laundry businesses around, the Sunshine still sports
its vintage marquee out front. And best of all, the neon still works!
Anthony's Laundry
Austin, TX Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn
A vintage sign worth seeing anywhere, check out the marquee for Anthony's
Angelus Cleaners
El Paso, TX Photo by
Angelus Cleaners features a rooftop sign complete with
boomerang/arrow pointing to the skies. The colors on this old roadside
sign aren't bad either.
Esquire Cleaners Photo courtesy Chris Richey
Esquire Cleaners is a reminder of the old Main Street USA days.
The bellhop in the sign even refers to the customers as "sir."
Imagine that! This sign looks like it may be from the early to mid 1900's.
Comet Cleaners
Arlington, TX Photo courtesy Tony Craig
Off Division Street in Arlington is this great old sign for Comet
Cleaners. The neon appears intact and the colors of this marquee
are a flashback to an older era.
Model Cleaners
Odessa, TX Photo by
This old faded sign sits in front of the Model Cleaners in Odessa, TX.
Harlandale Cleaners
San Antonio, TX Photo by
Here's an old sign for the Harlandale Cleaners in San Antonio, TX. The old faded out sign is a flashback to the past when these blade neon signs used to be found on many businesses in town. 11-20