Franz Bakery
Portland, OR Photos and info courtesy
Security Signs of Portland, OR
The loaf for Franz Bakery is at Northeast 12th Avenue and Flanders Street in Portland.
It revolves once every 4 ½ minutes. It has been rotating for nearly
5 decades. The motor is about the size of
a washing machine motor. The whole loaf weighs about 5,000 and is formed
from white acrylic and is supported inside from interior angle irons.
Three hundred pounds of ballast keep it balanced. It has been damaged
by storms and repaired and updated a couple of times such as having the
tie added to the front, but it keeps on turning 24/7 at the Franz Bakery.
A landmark in Portland, OR built by Security Signs.
Portland, OR Photo courtesy Jeff
The Hertz in Portland, OR has one of the old types of
signage with a clock on it. Not sure if this old sign still keeps the
Zeller Chapel of the Roses
Portland, OR Photo courtesy Jeff
There's no doubt about the first letter of the Zeller Chapel of the Roses sign in Portland. This prominent "Z" can
be seen for a ways down the block.
Seattle, WA Photo courtesy John Spencer
This old sign for Troy's still stands above the rooftop
of this building. This rather large sign features multi-colored lettering,
which also appears to be neon. This is a good example of the type of sign
that is being torn down these days at an alarming rate due to sign ordinances.
Animated Sign Close-up Photos and info courtesy
Darren Haney
To the right is a three frame shot of the "animated" Indian (Native American) head on the Office Depot in Wenatchee, WA. It's a double-sided
sign. The eyes move back and forth several times, slow down, stop, and
then it winks. The eyes appear to be attached to some sort of pendulum
Office Depot
Wenatchee, WA Photos and info courtesy
Darren Haney
Many may view Office Depot as just another of the big
box stores that are entering a strip mall near you. Well, this one in
Wenatchee, WA features a sign on its rooftop that's worth a triple-take.