Grants Pass, OR Photo by
Looking for some Levi's and denim? Then this colorful sign will lead
you into the Denim Den of Grants Pass. 09-05
Shoe Service
Grants Pass, OR Photo by
The nearby shoe service was once a common sight to see in just about
every town. For many in need of shoe repair, it was a short jaunt to the
neon sign advertising the service. These days, a neon sign like this advertising
a shoe service is become a rare sight. 09-05
It's The Climate
Grants Pass, OR Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn
This Arch stating "It's The Climate" is a famous sighting in Grants Pass. The Grants Pass welcome arch was erected in the 1970's and one of many that decorate Highway 99 towns. 03-06
Skate Fun
Grants Pass, OR Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn
This Skate Fun marquee is located in Grants Pass, Oregon. Check out the roller wheel at the bottom right of the marquee. These days, skating rinks are becoming a rare sight. 03-06
Cottage Grove, OR Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn
This is an old faded out IOOF sign, found in Cottage Grove, OR. 03-06
Roseburg Books
Roseburg, OR Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn
Here's another old and faded sign that has withstood the test of time. The Roseburg Books is located in, you guessed it, Roseburg, OR. 03-06
Shirleen Trailer Park
Medford, OR Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn
The Shirleen Trailer Park stands tall with its roadside sign found at the entrance. These old trailer parks are disappearing at an alarming rate these days. 03-06