Burger King
Myrtle Beach, SC
Photos and info courtesy Richard Weiss
Here you have it... a 1970's Burger King sign still standing proud. And as a bonus, other than the blue roof, it stands guard over a largely in intact 1970's Burger King. I wonder if they have fries from the pre-breaded era to complete the nostalgic feel? BK used to have good fries before that fad hit. 05-07
(Near right) A look at the restaurant
(Far right) A close-up of the sign |
Gastonia, NC
Photo and info courtesy Richard Weiss
Check out this 1970's era McDonald's sign located in Gastonia, NC. This is one of the rate McDonald's signs that still have a large arch in front of the restaurant. 07-08
 Cook Out
Charlotte, , NC
Photos and info courtesy Richard Weiss
Here are pictures of a place called Cook Out. This particular one was off I-85 at the north border of Charlotte (Across from Bubba's to be exact). Pretty much a local chain as far as I can tell. They are not super common but you do see them from time to time. All I saw were carry out only except for the one in Salisbury, The place was good, burgs and chicken on a grill. I can tell you this, big or small the south knows how to make a good burger. 07-08 |
Arby's Roast Beef
Raleigh, NC
Photo and info courtesy Tait Hilliard
This is the old style Arby's Roast Beef sign located on Hillsborough Street in Raleigh NC. This is one of the main drags through Raleigh and is located close to NC State University. 08-08