Starlite Drive-in (Demolished)
Merced, CA Photo courtesy Jimmy Bowman
The Starlite Drive-in sits there, closed up for good. This drive-in was shut down sometime in the 1980's.
UPDATE 07/06 : This marquee was the last remnant of this old drive-in until it too was sent up to the big signpost in the sky in late 2005. 07-07
Madera Drive-in Theatre
Madera, CA Photo by
Just 20 minutes or so above Fresno is Madera County and the Madera
Drive-in Theatre. No marquee for the drive-in other the then one on back of the screen could be found and the screen tower was
relatively nondescript. At least a classicwater tank was nearby. Check out the ticket booth and the entranceway to the drive-in theatre that was originally named the Park Vu.
Madera Drive-in ticket booth and water tower
Madera, CA Photo by
To the far left is the water tower that is near the property
To the nar left is the ticket booth at the Madera.
Hi-way Drive-in Theatre
Santa Maria, CA Photo by
Travelers to Santa Maria will be happy to find that the Hi-Way Drive-In
Theatre is still sporting its unique googie sign. An "open"
open-air theatre, the Hi-Way appeared to be
in great condition. The grounds were immaculate and the screen tower,
marquee, and ticket booth well kept up.
(Far left) The screen tower at the Hi-Way Drive-in
(Left) Nicely kept up ticket booth
(Far left) A look at the still standing screentower at the Hi-way Drive-in Theatre