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Drive-in Theatres Northern California


Ceres Drive-in (Temporarily reopened)
Ceres, CA
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com

Ceres, CA located just south of Modesto. The marquee of the Ceres Drive-in Theatre beckons to roadside travelers and invites all to enter its parking lot. This drive-in appeared to be in good shape and has been open since 1947.


UPDATE 01/09 : According to the Ceres Drive-in website, the Ceres Drive-in will be re-opening in the Spring of 2009 after completing the Drive-in projector project. 01-09

UPDATE 04/09 : The Ceres Drive-in is officially gone. The owners declared that the show would not go on and have put the property up for sale. See this article in the Merced Sun-Star for more information. 04-09

UPDATE 11/20 : Word is the Ceres Drive-in is temporarily reopening to provide an additional source of entertainment during the pandemic. See this website.

See more information about this website at the Lost Treasures feature on the Ceres Drive-in. Though it no longer is a lost treasure.



Sacramento 6 Drive-in
Sacramento, CA
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com

"A rather huge complex" best describes the Sacramento 6 Drive-in Theatre. This Sacramento behemoth sports six screens and occupies a huge lot. Drop by for a visit when you're visiting the Governor's Mansion. You'll have your selection of 6 movies. The Sacramento 6 opened up on June 26, 1973.


UPDATE 08/07 : According to the May 31, 2007 issue of the Sacramento Bee, the Sacramento County Planning Commission has approved a major commercial center at the site of the Sacramento 6 Drive-in. With the demise of this last operating drive-in in California's capital city, it appears that the open air drive-in theatre experience in Sacramento will soon be just a memory. 08-07



Sunrise Drive-in Theatre (Demolished)
Orangevale, CA
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com

An abandoned drive-in located near a cemetery, the Sunrise Drive-in Theatre of Orangevale, CA sports a true sunrise in its marquee.


Sunrise Drive-in Theatre marquee
Orangevale, CA
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com

Though this single screen lot appeared to have been a prime spot for a open-air theatre in its day, area is now overrun by weeds when these photos were taken.


UPDATE 05/06 : The Sunrise Drive-in was demolished in 2004 after over 40 years of existence. The marquee was removed in May. 05-06


Sunrise Drive-in Ticket Booth
Orangevale, CA
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com









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