King Edward Hotel
Los Angeles, CA Photo by
Check out the King Edward Hotel while you're in downtown Los Angeles.
St. George Hotel
Los Angeles, CA Photo by
The St. George Hotel looks like time has just slipped it by. This hotel
has been converted into low income housing.
Roosevelt Hotel and Cinegrill
Hollywood, CA Photo courtesy Adriene Biondo
Here's the famous Roosevelt Hotel, also displaying the Cinegrill
marquee. This Hollywood Boulevard hotel has been home to many a star,
as well as home to many a ghost story.
Ansonia Apartments (James Edmonds Hotel)
Los Angeles, CA Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn
The Ansonia Apartments in downtown Los Angeles features
a rooftop sign. These apartments were once known as the James Edmonds
(Near left) A close-up of the rooftop sign.
Asbury Apartments
Los Angeles, CA Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn
Near MacArthur Park in Los Angeles is the Asbury Apartments. The rooftop sign calling out the Asbury can be seen for blocks like many of the other hotel and apartment building signs in the area.
(Near right) The Asbury sign
(Far right) The hotel building
El Royale Apartments
Los Angeles, CA Photo courtesy Adriene Biondo