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Other Roadside Motels Central California


Valley Motel
Merced, CA
Photo courtesy Jimmy Bowman

This rather tall marquee stands outside the Valley Motel in the 99 town of Merced.



Kern Motel
Bakersfield, CA
Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn

This cardboard block looking sign is what now advertises the Kern Motor Inn in Bakersfield. Not sure what the original sign looked like or how roadside worthy it was, but it's hard to imagine that it could've been any more plain than this.



B & Z Motel
Madera, CA
Photo courtesy Jimmy Bowman

This old sign gravitates the travelers attention towards the B & Z Motel in Madera, CA.



Globe Motel
Bakersfield, CA
Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn

The Globe Motel still features a marquee that points the way into the motel itself. This motel still stands on Union, old 99, in the central California town of Bakersfield.




Rex Motel
Photo courtesy Adriene Biondo

Here's an interesting roadside motel with a marquee design that's a throwback to an earlier era. The Rex Motel features a rooftop marquee with a crown theme. Not sure if the ball on top still light up though.

(Far left) The motel sight from thestreet

(Near left) A marquee close-up




Big Star Motel
Fresno, CA
Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn

Here's the Big Star Motel in Fresno. Featuring the shapes of yesteryear, the marquee is quite a roadside treasure. This old sign must have been quite a sight to see, back when the neon was intact and showing of the motel row in Fresno.



Suburban Lodge
Photo courtesy Georg Balandran

Here's the marquee for the Suburban Lodge. Most noteworthy part of this sign is the large boomerang arrow.












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