Love's Bar B Q (Closed)6
Orange, CA Photo courtesy Adriene Biondo
Here's a classic Bar B Q place. Love's has been around for many
a year, satisfying hungry stomachs.
(Far left) The venerable Love's restaurant with its well known lettering at night
(Near left) Once upon a time, the Love's sign used to be a common sight in Southern California
Smoke House
Burbank, CA Photo courtesy Adriene Biondo
The Smoke House is one of the last of the steak-and-prime
rib restaurants. All its counterparts such as Chadney's, Tail o' the Cock
and Chadney's have become history. The Smoke House opened
in 1946 by three engineers from Lockheed and has fed Lockheed executives
and nearby Warner Bros. studio for decades. The Smoke House occupied the current building iin 1949, which is where the Red Coach Inn once stood. See more at the Smoke House website. Also check out Roadside Peek'sSpotlight on the Smoke House Restaurant. 07-03
Frank's Restaurant
Burbank, CA Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn
Check out the roof line on Frank's Steak House in Burbank, CA. The roof swoops like a canopy over the dining area of this Southland restaurant. 10-05
UPDATE 06/13: Frank's Restaurant closed down in March 2012. The owner Jose Lopez, who was the head chef at the nearby Genio's which also shut down 5 years ago, had to shut down due to the poor economy and an impending rent increase.
A few months later, Frank's reopened after the property owner took over ownership of the restaurant. Today, Frank's still serves hungry patrons of Burbank. 06-13
Chadney's (Closed)
Burbank, CA Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn
This rooftop sign stands over Chadney's Restaurant in Burbank. Closed since 1998, Chadney's presided over the town since its doors opened November 22, 1973. 10-05
The Golden Spur
Glendora, CA Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn
Here's the familiar sign for The Golden Spur Restaurant along Route 66 in Glendora. Word is the Golden Spur opened around 80 years ago and once primarily served up burgers. 11-05
The Derby
Arcadia, CA Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn
On the left is the parking lot sign for The Derby restaurant in Arcadia. The Derby originally started up in 1922 as the Proctor Tavern. According to their website, The Derby was opened in 1938 by George Woolf, the jockey who rode Seabiscuit to victory in the "Race of the Century". 11-05