Gulf Wind Motel (Rem.)
Houston, TX Photo courtesy Chris Richey
Check out this neon sign for the Gulf Wind Motel in
Houston, TX. The Gulf Wind advertises all the common amenities, including
jacuzzi, movies, even TNT and HBO.
UPDATE : The Gulf Wind Motel sign was replaced with a backlit plastic sign.
Cole Manor Motel
Dallas, TX Photo courtesy Chris Richey
The Cole Manor Motel in Dallas is another neon motel
sign that tries to attract the attention of motorists and potential lodgers
by lighting up its sign. The Cole Manor Motel opened in 1946 as the El Sombrero Motor Courts on 1.66 acres as a motor hotel along Harry Hines Boulevard. The motel was designed by architect Charles Stevens Dilbe.
Sun Valley Motel (Rem.)
El Paso, TX Photo by
The Sun Valley Motel marquee in El Paso features a cowboy
(unfortunately not lit up) and a neon sign. Th Sun Valley motel was established in 1953.
UPDATE : The Sun Valley Motel sign was replaced with a backlit plastic sign. 07-23
Cortez Motel (Rem.)
El Paso, TX Photo by
The Cortez Motel is another unique
roadside sign with an outline of a character. Follow the sign to a roadside
motel stop. Have no idea what the lodging is like inside, though.
UPDATE : The Cortez Motel sign was replaced with a backlit plastic sign. 07-23
Alamo Plaza Hotel Courts (Demolished)
Dallas, TX
Photo courtesy Chris Richey
Alamo Plaza Hotel Courts
Dallas, TX Photo by
The Alamo Plaza Hotel Court in Dallas features a nicely lit marquee in front of the property. At least the sign is nicely lit during good weather. Not more than 15 minutes after this photo was taken, half the letters were getting zapped out due to a sudden turn in the weather.
The Alamo Plaza Hotel Courts brand was the first motel chain in the United States, founded in 1929 by Edgar Lee Torrance in Waco. By 1955, there were more than twenty Alamo Plazas across the southeastern U.S. This location was built in the 1940s and the sign dates back to 1959. 03-06
UPDATE : The Alamo Plaza Hotel Courts was demolished around 2011. 07-23
Austin Motel
Austin, TX Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn
The Austin Motel is known for both its amazing neon
sign as well as its shape. Not quite sure what the lettering stating "So
close yet so far out" means though. 05-04
Austin Motel Photo by
UPDATE 10/06 : The Austin Motel is still open, alive and kicking along S Congress Ave in Austin. According to its sign, the motel has been around since 1938. 10-06
Classic Inn
Austin, TX Photo by
Check out the neon at the Classic Inn in Austin, TX. The neon glows off of Congress Avenue, leading to a definite roadside atmosphere. The Classic Inn was built in 1941 as the Goodnight Motel.
This motel is located right next door to Hills Cafe. 10-06