Sky Hi Drive-in Theatre (Demolished)
Columbia, MO Photo courtesy Dirk Burhans
In Columbia, MO is the Sky Hi Drive-in Theatre. This roadside
treasure which opened up in the 1960's has been demolished as of 2006.
Heath Drive-in (Closed)
Heath, OH Photo courtesy Mark Hackett
Off Route 79 in Heath, Ohio is a true abandoned theatre. The Heath
Drive-In has been closed for at least 10 years, as estimated by one
carbon-14 test. The screen is "nondescript and very weedy."
Hill-Top Drive-in (Closed)
Joliet, IL Photo by
The Hill-Top Drive-in stands proudly in pristine condition, waiting for the sun to set.
Hill-Top Drive-in Speaker posts Photo by
Drive-in in Joliet sits on a well-maintained lot and has been around since 1955. The grounds appeared spotless when this photo was taken in 2001.
We are open! Photo by
UPDATE 07/04 : The Hill-Top closed down sometime in 2001. 07-04
UPDATE 03/07 : The Hilltop Drive-in Theatre in Joliet, IL will be re-opening in April 2007 after being closed since 2001. Many thanks to David Hughes for update 03-07
UPDATE 11/10 : The Hilltop Drive-in never re-opened like they said it was going to. Back in March of 2007, the drive-in was only weeks before it was suppose to reopen, but it just never did. As of right now, the drive-in has been closed since the end of the season back in 2001. Many thanks to David Hughes for update. 11-10
Linden Air Drive-in Theatre
Columbus, OH Photo and info courtesy Michael Sekeres
Here's the marquee for the Linden Air Drive-in Theatre of Columbus, OH. Closed for some time, the sign still stands, such as
it is, and the screen is still standing too. For how much longer is any
one's guess.
Check out the Skyview Drive-in theatre and its space
themed mural on top of the marquee. The drive-in can be seen right off
the main drag in Belleville.