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Roadside Eateries Midwest
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Welcome to Roadside Eateries Midwest. In this section of Roadside Peek Midwest, check out the famous (and not so famous) eateries from the great Midwestern part of the United States.


Frisch's Big Boy
Photo courtesy Dirk Burhans

Interested in seeing Big Boy restaurants in the Midwest, including some in the East? Well, check out Big Boy East which contains locations in Ohio,Pennsylvania, and Missouri.

More Big Boy sightings are found at Roadside Peek's Bob's Big Boy.



The Barn
Photo courtesy Don Gardner

Here are some of the great neon eatery signs of the Midwest, at Roadside Peek's Neon Eateries Midwest.





Twistee Treat
Photo courtesy Don Gardner

Check out the old donut shops, frozen custard and ice cream joints, and candy stores of the Midwest here at Snacks and Stuff Midwest.



Pink Elephant
Photo courtesy Steve Felder

This section of Roadside Peek Midwest features some of the interesting signage found on bars and taverns. Check out Roadside Taverns Midwest for a sample.


Photo courtesy Don Gardner

The Midwest is famous for hot dogs, including the various dog joints in Chicago. Check out Roadside Peek's Avenue of the Dogs Midwest for more.



Mel-o-Dee Restaurant
Photo courtesy Mark Hackett

Now, if you're more in the mood for a relaxing sit down meal at a classic sit down restaurant, check out Roadside Peek's Sitdown Restaurants Midwest for a look see. Here, you can find many great sit down locations with great signage and architecture. The meal?



Steak and Shake
Photo courtesy Dirk Burhans

Wanna grab a burger while on the road in the Midwest? Well, look no further than here. See Roadside Peek's Roadside Burger Joints Midwest for a peek at the Midwest's finest fast food joints!




Jenk's Pizza
Photo courtesy Steve Felder

Pizza restaurants not only serve good food. Many also feature fine looking marquees. See some of them here at Pizza Pubs Midwest.



Busy Bee Cafe
Photo courtesy Don Gardner

Many towns and cities feature their best food in roadside cafes. Although the big city cafe may not exude the same charm as their small town counterpart's might, many are still worth mentioning. Not to mention that many of these cafe's also sport great signage. Check the best of the Midwest out here at Roadside Peek's Roadside Cafe's Midwest.



Daly Drive-in
Photo courtesy Mike Engle

In the 50's and 60's, drive-in eateries were all the rage. See some of the remnants at Roadside Peek's Drive-in Eateries Midwest.




Morton Grove, IL
Photo courtesy Jason Carlton

Check out the coffee shops of the Midwest, where else but at Roadside Peek's Coffee Shops Midwest.



Fat Man's
Photo courtesy Mark Hackett

Plus, of course, there are the other fast food joints that aren't burger or pizza places. See them at Roadside Peek's Fast Food Joints Midwest.



Elite Diner
Photo courtesy Don Gardner

Check out some of the great roadside diners, here at Roadside Peek's Roadside Diners Midwest.





Armando's Restaurant
Photo courtesy Richard Weiss

Check out the old Mexican food cafes in the Midwest. See the old signage as well as the restaurants and info at Roadside Peek's Mexican Food Cafes Midwest.



Photo courtesy Steve Felder

Looking for some good Chinese food? Check out Roadside Peek's Foods of the Orient Midwest.













© Copyright 1998-2021 Syd Nagoshi. All rights reserved. No portion of this document may be reproduced, copied or revised without written permission of the author.