Route 66 / Green Meadow Drive-in Theatre
Springfield, IL Photo by
The Green
Meadow Drive-in in Springfield, IL is closed, though a go cart track sits in its place.
The screen still stands erect, awaiting its next show... a show that may
never come. The marquee is now covered with graffiti.
(Near right) A photo of the screen tower
(Far right) The entrance way to the drive-in
UPDATE 04/09 : Around 2004, the Green Meadow Drive-in took out the track and built a new ticket booth and opened up again with 1 screen. About a year later, they opened up the second screen and are open 7 days a week. The drive-in is now known as the Route 66 Drive-in. Many thanks to Scott Shanle for update. 04-09
Sky View Drive-in Theatre
Litchfield, IL Photo by
The Sky View Drive-in is one of the few of the open drive-in theatres located on Route 66. This
theatre is open seasonally is the lot is kept in great condition. There's
even picnic tables on the lot, bringing even more convenience to its guests.
Sky View Drive-in
Litchfield, IL Photo by
(Far right) The screen tower and a shot of the picnic bench in front
(Near right) The serene landscape of the Sky View
Springmill Drive-In
OH Photo courtesy Steve Felder
Quite possibly the nicest drive-in in all of Ohio is the Springmill
Drive-In. This place is definitely worth a stop if you are in the
area. An open air movie a day keeps the doctor away. Yes, a tired but
true phrase.
UPDATE 12/10 : The Springmill Drive In had added a second screen to their drive-in back in the Spring of 2009. Both of the drive-ins in the Manfield, OH area are doing quite well. The Sunset Drive-in and the Springmill Drive-in. Many thanks to David Hughes for update. 12-10
Skyborn Theatre
Fairborn, OH Photo courtesy Mark Hackett
In Fairborn, Ohio, adjacent to the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base,
is the Skyborn Drive-In. Although the sign say "closed",
this drive-in is still open for business. Great colorful marquee!