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Neon Eateries Midwest


Pizza King
Peru, IN
Photo courtesy Emily Steele

Here's a night shot of the Pizza King marquee in Peru, IN. This colorful display of backlit plastic is a real eye-catcher from the roadside.

See more Pizza King delights here at Roadside Peek's Spotlight on Pizza King Restaurants.



Himark Restaurant
Kokomo, IN
Photo and info courtesy Emily Steele

Check out the marquee for the Himark Restaurant, located in Kokomo, Indiana. This shot of the sign shows it all lit up. Looks like great pains were put in to make this marquee glow once again.



Little Nugget
Photo courtesy Don Gardner

Here's the Little Nugget in all its neon best. Check out the detail and coloring on all the neon tubing on this sign.



The Barn
Photo courtesy Don Gardner

Check out this neon sign for The Barn Restaurant. This is a good place to stop by and is located in the Wisconsin Dells area.




Jerry's Restaurant (Gone)
Richmond, IN
Photo courtesy Steve Felder

On the east side of Richmond, Indiana is Jerry's Restaurant. A huge place. This restaurant is located in an early 70's looking building with a pointed roof.


UPDATE 07/03 : Jerry's Restaurant is no more. The sign depicted above was torn down in 2002 and the building is now a Jade House Chinese restaurant. Many thanks to Ken Bailey for update. 07-03



Wally's House of Embers
Wisconsin Dells, WI
Photo courtesy Tony Craig

Here's the neon roadside sign for Wally's House of Embers, located in Wisconsin Dells, WI. This eatery opened in 1959.



Doo Drop Inn
Muskegon, MI
Photo courtesy Tony Craig

The Doo Drop Inn features a neon chef on its marquee proudly showing off the Doo Drop Inn neon lettering and sign. This restaurant features American cuisine.













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