Norm's Marquee Close up
Los Angeles, CA Photo courtesy Jason Carlton
Los Angeles, CA Photo by
Here's the famous "celebrity" Norm's off La Cienega in Los Angeles. Known to be a late night hangout of the stars in recent
times, this location is one of the earliest Norm's in existence. Built in 1957 by architects Armet and Davis, the googie style Norm's is one of the few remaining intact classic modern coffee shops.
UPDATE 05/15 : In March 2015, the LA City Council voted to approve Historic-Cultural status for Norm's. This came after months of concern that the landlord Faring Capital was planning to demolish the googie coffee shop. In fact, a demolition permit had previously been issued in January. 05-15
Beverly Hills Cafe (formerly Tiny Naylor's- Gone)
Los Angeles, CA Photo by
Here's an old former site of a Tiny Naylor's off La Cienega Boulevard
in Los Angeles.
UPDATE 05/13 : The Beverly Hills Cafe and its building is long gone. 05-13
Hawthorne, CA Photo by
This classic coffee shop still serves its customers off Hawthorne Boulevard.
The front facade and huge lettering of Chips still catches the
eye of potential hungry road trippers.
Chips was built in 1957 and designed by Harry Harrison.
Hearts Coffee Shop
Van Nuys, CA Photo courtesy Adriene Biondo
Here's the Heart's Coffee Shop that looks very rundown from the
looks of things. The exterior looks awful, like it's never ever been repaired.
But the interior is kept pretty clean and is still intact, original Terrazzo
floors, counter seating and all. And don't forget the world famous chop
Looks like Hearts has now, for the first time in many years, decided
to be open for dinner! Check out Hearts if you're you'd like to give these
home style cooked meals a try.
Many thanks to Adriene Biondo for photos and info.