Carlson's Liquor
Woodland Hills, CA Photo courtesy Adriene Biondo
Here's a fine liquor store marquee for Carlson's Liquor on Ventura
Boulevard in Woodland HIlls.
UPDATE 08/10 : (Far left) Here's a recent shot of the Carlson's Liquor Store from across the street. The vertical blade sign as well as the signage around the store remain intact. Many thanks to Faith Farberman for updated photo. 08-10
Carlson's Liquor Photo courtesy Faith Farberman
Vineland Wine Cellar Photo by
The Vineland Wine Cellar still sports some nice neon in the shape
of a barrel. Be careful of loitering around though, if being cross-examined
isn't one of your greatest pleasures.
Liquor Store Photo by
This rooftop liquor store sign is in an interesting shape. Not sure if
the marquee was made for the liquor store itself or for some other type
of business.
Smitty's Drive-in Liquor Photo by
The sign for Smitty's Drive-in Liquor is weatherbeaten and appears
to have been around for some time.
Jolly Jug Liquor
Northridge, CA Photo by
It's always fun to see a nice friendly face... even a smiling jug at
the Jolly Jug can break up a day. Depends on what you get while
you're here.
Encino Park Liquor
Encino, CA Photo by
Check this marquee for the Encino Park Liquor. How can you resist
a sign that says that it's time to buy.