East Wind Drive-in
Portland, OR Photo courtesy Bob Jagendorf
Here's an old roadside drive-in called the East Wind.
This Portland, OR eatery displays a penguin holding a large ice cream
cone on its marquee. The ice cream cone is an eye-catching sight for motorists
passing by on a hot summer travel day.
Jim Dandy
Portland, OR Photo courtesy Jeff Raber
If you're in the Portland area, give a look at Jim Dandy's.
This drive-up joint has been in business since 1937 according to the sign.
Muchas Gracias
Hazel Dell, WA Photo courtesy Jeff Raber
Here's an old roadside drive-up stand that's now home to Muchas
Gracias in Hazel Dell.
Family Drive-in
Spokane, WA
Photo courtesy Josh Hudgens / 2007
Lew's Drive-in
Portland, OR Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn
Lew's Drive-in in Portland, OR not only sports a classic roadside sign but also features coney island dogs and burgers. 09-08
Pick Quick Better Burgers
Fife, WA Photo courtesy Jeffrey Cook
Check out this eye-catching sign at the Pick Quick Better Burgers in Fife, WA, located along Highway 99. 11-07
Pick Quick Burgers
Fife, WA Photo courtesy Matthias Tippner
Here's a shot of the burger stand at the Pick Quick Burgers in Fife, WA. The Pick Quick is located right off the freeway north of Tacoma. The Pick Quick opened in the 1940's and is a favorite to locals and tourists alike. Word is the drive-in is being renovated and will be open again soon. 01-09