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Other Roadside Motels Arizona

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Starlite Motel | Tiki Motel | Tucson Inn | Yuma Cabana Motel


Arizona Motel
Tucson, AZ
Photo courtesy Tony Craig

The Arizona Motel still features its roadside sign just off the street. This one lights up. The sign itself dates back to 1939 while the motel was built in 1930. The sign was first calling out Arizona Tourist Court with its lettering. Like many other motor courts, the sign also prominently advertising it TV and pool.

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Here is a close up look at the Arizona Motel neon sign. Check out the neon around the TV and Pool lettering.


Arizona Motel
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com



Kiva Lodge
Tempe, AZ
Photo courtesy Tony Craig

This ornate sign for the Kiva Lodge in Tempe features a colorful headdress. The motor courts themselves feature covered parking next to the individual bungalows, though not sure what type of condition the lodging is here these days. The sign has been around since the late 1940's.

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Owl Lodge
Tucson, AZ
Photo courtesy Tony Craig


Here's a nice shot of the Owl Lodge off of the main drag in Tucson. The motel dates back to 1955.

Owl Lodge Apartments
Tucson, AZ
Photo courtesy Larry Glass


UPDATE 04/09 : The Owl Lodge in Tucson, AZ has now been turned into apartments, like many of the other old non-chain roadside motels in the area. The sign for the Owl Lodge remains and appears to have been recently restored. Unfortunately the sign no longer lights up.

The section under the main part of the sign has been changed from advertising "vacancy" and "kitchenettes" to the fact that the location now houses apartments. 04-09

UPDATE : Here are more photos of the Owl Lodge from over two decades ago. 06-23

Owl Lodge sign close up
Tucson, AZ
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com
Owl Lodge
Tucson, AZ
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com


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Travelers Motel
Tempe, AZ
Photo courtesy Tony Craig

The Travelers Motel in Tempe shows off it sign that appears to be from the 70's or so.



Plainsman Motel
Mesa, AZ
Photo courtesy Tony Craig

Yet another Mesa motel marquee, the Plainsman Motel sign here looks somewhat similar to the one in Holbrook, AZ.

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